Random Casting News

A lot of things have come out on this last days about the castings for the new shows and existing shows coming this fall.


First of all is a not so very good news (at least for me): Captain Gates is no more. Yes, Castle will not have the adorably grumpy Captain coming fall, as Penny Johnson Jerald will not be returning for season 8. I really don’t like this, and I suspect that the game plan will be putting Beckett in charge of the 12th, but I don’t think that’s right… that’s jumping way to many hoops to get there.

On a much happier note, Sendhil Ramamurthy will reprise his role as Mohinder in Heroes Reborn. I always loved Mohinder, and I LOVE Sandhil, so I’m pretty excited about this!

Speaking of Heroes of some sort, Arrow’s Tommy will move to Chicago. Yes, Colin Donnell is the new series regular at Chicago Med, and he’s thought to be playing a doctor in pediatrics… oh my… By the way, Chicago Med was just pushed up to the fall!!!!! Yeah!

Joel McHale, fresh out of Community, just landed the first guest role in the X-Files revival. He’ll be playing Tad O’Malley, who is a conservative Internet news anchor who becomes an unlikely support for Mulder. Excitement forming!

And I guess it’s time to catch up on Elementary, as John Noble was cast to play Sherlock’s dad next season!!!

Agents of SHIELD upped two of its members to series regular, Henry Simmons, who plays Mack and newcomer Luke Mitchell, a.k.a. Lincoln. I’m quite happy about this, though not having yet seen the last 5 episodes of the season, I’m a bit wary of both of them. In the meantime, I really want to know what’s Nick Blood’s status, because that’s the one I want to stick around.

If I still watched Grey’s Anatomy, I would be pretty happy about this news. Jason George was just promoted to series regular. I’m still happy for Jason though, I absolutely love him 🙂 .

Hooked on Sleepy Hollow!

More often than not, when a new 1 hour TV show premieres, I give it some time (sometimes the whole season) in order to see if it gets renewed – before I get attached to it and then it gets cancelled…


So… I waited until 3 days ago to watch Fox’s Sleepy Hollow, can you believe it?! I can’t… because now I’m hooked and I ran out of episodes – and I’m already considering a rewatch, because there’s no way I’m gonna be able to hold it till september 22nd … I think I’ll risk saying that it’s my favorite “new” drama – granted that it’s the only “new one” I’ve watched so far… but I’m quite confident about it!

Season 2 will have between 15 to 18 episodes, and from Abbie’s mom to a lot more “Henry”, with a twist in the fist bump, it’ll be marvelous! Additionally, John Noble (Henry, a.k.a, Ichabod’s baby, a.k.a. War) and Lyndie Greenwood (Jenny Mills) were promoted to series regulars, joining Tom Mison (Ichabod Crane), Nichole Beharie (Abbie Mills), Orlando Jones (Capt. Irving) and Katia Winters (Katrina Crane). I don’t have any expectations because they did a wonderful job so far, but I would like to see that spark between Jenny and Irving flash again.