Teaser Blast: Memphis by Ginger Scott

Check out the amazing teaser for Memphis by Ginger Scott!

My mom always said it was just something about the way he moved.

The same swagger Archie Valentine wore in the ring when he took his opponents down followed him like a halo everywhere he went. But make no mistake about it — he was no angel. He was like a drug. My mother was his addict.I never understood it…how love could make you blind and convince you to drink the poison. Not until I met Memphis Delaney.

At first, it was the familiar form. He’s a fighter, built like a god from the past, the kind of man the universe doesn’t make anymore. His eyes hide a story, and every time I’m in his presence I want to keep reading him until I get to the end. And then…there’s the way he moves. His boxing is violent but beautiful, and his body is a seductive weapon. When he’s in the ring, he wears the stare of a man committed to the battle until his very last breath.

He could end me; turn me into her. Too much of him will leave me as a shadow, and I’ve lost so much of myself already.

But I have discipline. It came the hard way. Lessons learned, scars left behind, and trust stripped away from life.

I will breathe his air, but I won’t fall for a man like him. The only boxer who’s ever going to break my heart is the one who gave me my name.

Memphis by Ginger Scott
A Contemporary New Adult Romance
Release day: February 23

About the Author:

Ginger Scott is an Amazon-bestselling and Goodreads Choice Award-nominated author of several young and new adult romances, including Waiting on the Sidelines, Going Long, Blindness, How We Deal With Gravity, This Is Falling, You and Everything After, The Girl I Was Before, Wild Reckless, Wicked Restless, In Your Dreams, The Hard Count, Hold My Breath, and A Boy Like You.

A sucker for a good romance, Ginger’s other passion is sports, and she often blends the two in her stories. (She’s also a sucker for a hot quarterback, catcher, pitcher, point guard…the list goes on.) Ginger has been writing and editing for newspapers, magazines and blogs for more than 15 years. She has told the stories of Olympians, politicians, actors, scientists, cowboys, criminals and towns. For more on her and her work, visit her website at http://www.littlemisswrite.com.

When she’s not writing, the odds are high that she’s somewhere near a baseball diamond, either watching her son field pop flies like Bryce Harper or cheering on her favorite baseball team, the Arizona Diamondbacks. Ginger lives in Arizona and is married to her college sweetheart whom she met at ASU (fork ’em, Devils).

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Brooklynaire (Sarina Bowen)

You’d think a billion dollars, a professional hockey team and a six-bedroom mansion on the Promenade would satisfy a guy. You’d be wrong.

For seven years Rebecca has brightened my office with her wit and her smile. She manages both my hockey team and my sanity. I don’t know when I started waking in the night, craving her. All I know is that one whiff of her perfume ruins my concentration. And her laugh makes me hard.

When Rebecca gets hurt, I step in to help. It’s what friends do. But what friends don’t do is rip off each others’ clothes for a single, wild night together.

Now she’s avoiding me. She says we’re too different, and it can never happen again. So why can’t we keep our hands off each other?

Oh, we’ve waiting so long for this book, and I’m beyond happy that Sarina was able to give us the story that Becca and Nate deserved. I’ve loved these two since book 1, and I’ve been patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for them to get their turn. Well, it’s here, and it’s epic!

By now we’ve established that I love anything that Sarina Bowen writes, right?! But this book, contrary to the other books in this series, is told in the first person, and that made me love it even more. Also, it has a few chapters told in the third person, but they take place in the past, and they’re the cutest thing ever.

Dual POV + first person = AMAZING!

I fell even more in love with Rebecca and Nate, and I loved seeing them grow, seeing their relationship develop, and how they dealt with their feelings. The hurdles they went through, and how through it all they communicated and were there for each other. Both made mistakes, but they never let the issues linger long, and I absolutely adored that.

Their romance was the cutest thing, and I just wanted to squish them together and never let them part. That’s how adorable they were.

To conclude, another amazing book on this series, definitly my favorite of this bunch, and I really hope Sarina keeps telling us stories about this team, I see so much potential in some of the characters, and I don’t want this little universe to cease to exist. I want more of the team and I want to see them all happy and disgustingly in love.

so, if you haven’t picked up Brooklynaire today,
what are you waiting for?!

Audio Review: Wanderlust (Lauren Blakely)

Available exclusively in audio for the first six weeks – and narrated by Richard Armitage and Grace Grant – comes a breathtaking new romance from #1 New York Times best-selling author Lauren Blakely that will sweep you away! Get an exclusive interview with Lauren with your Audible purchase! Grab your copy of this swoony and romantic Audible Original today!

They say Paris is always a good idea…

You know what I say? Paris would be a much better idea if I spoke the dang language. I can’t even board the metro to visit the Louvre without ending up at the Moulin Rouge, and let’s not even mention how I’ll ever make it through a day at my new office.

Fortunately my company hooks me up with my own personal translator. Ooh la la. Or should I say bloody hell? Because he’s charming, witty, and British, and he brings the city to life for me. Soon, I can order a croque monsieur hold the ham, discuss perfume with my co-workers, and barter at the outdoor market. I can also tell the sexy Brit by my side how much I want him to kiss me under the streetlamps.

Except there’s a catch – Paris might be all we have.


One more assignment before I can take off on my big adventure…

And it’s a good farewell gig too since my newest client is a fetching American who loves to explore the cafes and cobbled streets while I teach her the language of love. We fall into a fast and flirty friendship, but Paris has a way of making lovers out of friends, and soon we’re spending our nights together too – très risqué. The trouble is, my wanderlust is calling to me, and soon I’ll be traveling the globe to fulfill a promise I made long ago.

What could possibly go wrong with falling in love in Paris? Nothing…unless one of you is leaving.

*Includes a special bonus interview with the author!*



Audible | Amazon Audio 


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I’m a big fan of audiobooks, so when I saw the opportunity to review an audiobook from Lauren Blakely, I jumped at the opportunity. I always love her audiobooks (and her non audio too). I really wanted to have been able to put this post up by the 6th, the day the audio was released, but work got in the way, and it was only today that I was able to finish the book, and finally write the review.

Once again I loved Lauren Blakely’s writing, and I think this is even more true for this book. The way she used her words, not only made me feel like I was exploring Paris right alongside Griffin and Joy, but I could almost sense all the smells that are described throughout the book. This is such a difficult thing to accomplish, and Blakely did it wonderfully.

Joy and Griffin were such amazing characters, and I fell in love with both of them right away. I loved the way Joy looked at live, how she faced her obstacles and never gave up. I loved that she wanted her “cake and to eat it too”, and how she fought for it. Griffin had such a huge character growth, he was awesome, and I love him. I actually feel like you have to experience these 2 characters to actually know what I’m trying to say.

The plot and the romance were great. This book described what I feel love is…

Now, I listened to this book, and I’m a huge fan of romance audiobooks, so this one made me happy. It made me travel, and it made me want to go to Paris again, sooner rather than later. It was my first audiobook by both Grace Grant and Richard Armitage, and I was very pleasantly surprised by both. Such a contrast, but somehow they complimented each other quite nicely. Grace Grant completely made Joy for me, and I could actually picture her in my mind. Richard Armitage had a super sexy voice and accent  (especially on the hot bits…).

Overall, amazing experience, and I hope you guys pick up the audiobook as soon as possible, especially because the ebook is only released next month, eheh. Seriously, pick it up. You won’t be sorry. 

Don’t miss this message from Richard Armitage about Wanderlust!

About Lauren Blakely:

A #1 New York Times Bestselling author, and #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling author, Lauren Blakely is known for her contemporary romance style that’s hot, sweet and sexy. She lives in California with her family and has plotted entire novels while walking her dogs. With fourteen New York Times bestsellers, her titles have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestseller Lists more than 85 times, and in March she’ll release WANDERLUST, a breathtaking new romance that will sweep you away. To receive an email when Lauren releases a new book, sign up for her newsletter! laurenblakely.com/newsletter

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WWW Wednesday: February 7th 2018


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @Taking On A World Of Words, where you have to answer these questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


I’m listening to Wanderlust by Lauren Blakely, The Learning Hours by Sara Ney and reading Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen.


This week I finished Stud by Kelly Siskind and Wildcat by Max Monroe.


Next I’ll read Monster Among the Roses by Linda Kage.

Blog Tour: Wildcat (Max Monroe)

Wildcat: a football formation in which the ball is snapped, not to the quarterback, but to another player lined up in the quarterback position.

Wild, Cat: a beautiful woman from the sky, who hooked me against the rails, and has me on the ropes. Sweet like honey, with a hint of sass burning behind her pretty brown eyes, she took over my heart without warning.

I’m Quinn Bailey, quarterback for the New York Mavericks.
Sports analysts predicted I’d break records and take my team all the way.

But no one predicted this.

And just like the other team, I never saw it coming.


Things this book is:
• Romantic Comedy
• #1 in the Mavericks Tackle Love Series
• Can be read as a complete standalone.

Things it isn’t:
• Paranormal: The only thing magical is inside Quinn Bailey’s pants.
• Boring: Pssh, please. Max Monroe doesn’t do boring.
• Short: Prior to reading, prepare yourself for one huge, long, thick…book.

Deanna told me several times to read something by Max Monroe, and I’m so glad I listened to her, because I absolutely loved Wildcat. The writing is amazing, and now I definitely want to pick up more books by this duo. It was the perfect mix and balance of comedy and swoony romance, so right up my alley.

I loved the 2 main characters, especially Quinn. It’s so refreshing to get an absolutely great guy as a romance hero, that was always a genuine good guy, and doesn’t mind fighting hard for the girl he likes. Quinn treated Cat like a princess right from the start, he knew what he wanted and he went after it, in the most sweet and amazing way. I also loved how he dealt with his fan base, and even his family, though his parents did not deserve it, to be honest. But his brother Devon stole my heart, and I want a book about him ASAP!

Catharine was such a beautiful and amazing woman. She took her time, but it was impossible not to fall for Quinn’s charms, and not to fall in love with him completely. She was such a strong and independent woman, and she always tried her best, and she was awesome.

As a reader, it was impossible not to fall in love with their connecting and their love for each other. The romance was slow to pick up pace, but when it did, it was full steam ahead. They were perfect together, even with all the difficulties they had to face.

I really liked the plot and the conflict. For awhile, I wasn’t quite seeing how a conflict was going to be introduced, because they seemed so amazing, but when it it, it was sad as s**t, and I wanted to murder someone. It reflects some truths about our society, and I loved how they were able to overcome it and become better because of it.

Overall, amazing experience, and one of my favorites for the year so bar. So yeah, go pick up Wildcat. I can’t wait to read all the other books in this serie, and hope against hope that a book about Devon (and maybe Casey) is coming our way.

February TBR

Welcome to February :). Once again, I have a crazy amount of ARCs to go through this month. I don’t know why I keep requesting books…

  1. Wildcat (Mavericks, #1) by Max Monroe
  2. The Learning Hours (How to Date a Douchebag, #3) by Sara Ney
  3. Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen
  4. Wanderlust by Lauren Blakely
  5. The Upside of Falling Down by Rebekah Crane
  6. Memphis by Ginger Scott
  7. The Duchess Deal (Girl Meets Duke, #1) by Tessa Dare
  8. Monster Among the Roses (Fairy Tale Quartet, #1) by Linda Kage
  9. Kissing the Boss (Fairy Tale Quartet, #2) by Linda Kage
  10. Secrets of a Summer Night (Wallflowers, #1) by Lisa Kleypas


January Wrap-Up

Here is my Wrap-Up for the first month of 2018. I read a total of 13 books, and some amazing ones at that.



I read 3 books towards the NA reading challenge:

And here is my bingo progress:

The first month of the year is gone, and it flew by. I had some good news this past month, and I’m happy about an upcoming change at my job. I’m also excited because I booked vacations for this month of February, and I’ll be going to Scotland with a friend. Also, I started co-blogging, and you can now find me at Romances Ever After too!

Blog Tour: Stud (Kelly Siskind)

Title: Stud
Author: Kelly Siskind
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: January 31, 2018


A down-to-earth carpenter. A Prada loving personal shopper.

A Habitat for Humanity project that erects more than walls…

The word “nail” has so many meanings:

Ainsley Hall’s manicured nails belong in the Museum of Modern Art.

The fashionista hammers nails at Habitat for Humanity.

She desperately wants to nail Owen Phillips.

Unfortunately, she mistakenly thinks he’s gay.

Owen’s never-ending divorce has taken a turn from messy to downright vindictive. Yearning for the simpler things in life, like working with his hands, he joins a Habitat build. Turns out he also wants to work over Ainsley Hall…but the confusing bombshell flirts blatantly with other men.

When Ainsley discovers Owen’s true sexuality, their mutual attraction ignites, but he hasn’t shared the extent of his divorce drama. If he can’t disprove his ex’s false allegations, it will take more than hammers and nails (and nailing studs) to keep their walls from caving in.

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I love Kelly Siskind’s books, and this one was not an exception. After Legs, I wanted to read more about Rachel’s friends, and I’m so happy we finally got a book about Ainsley and Owen.

If you  haven’t read any of Kelly’s books, I don’t know what you’re doing, because her writing is amazing, super funny, with a lot of emotion thrown into it. I have to say that I ended up liking Stud more than I liked Legs, because I felt like the story and plot were better. I loved LOVED LOVED the story. And the characters… Owen is AMAZING, and he kind of reminds me of Sam (from Chasing Crazy) for some reason. Whatever, I loved him, how he loved so fiercely… And Ainsley is a hoot! Even though she was so scared of getting hurt, she was funny and she let herself feel, and I loved her.

The fact that their relationship started as friendship was a big plus for me, and the chemistry between these 2 characters was off the charts.

What kept me from loving this book anymore than I did, was the fact that it felt a little slow for the first half of it. There was nothing wrong with the pacing, it just felt slow to me, which kept me from enjoying it more.

Either way, another amazing book from Kelly Siskind, and I seriously recommend you to read this book, and all her other books. Because she’s the bomb!

Read an Excerpt:

Her gaze dipped down my body, slow and languid, soaking me in. Something in me twitched to life, like a phantom limb reminding me hot blood once pumped through my veins. All my veins. My groin got heavy, heat flushing my thighs. Because she looked at me.I let that notion marinate and did my best to keep my brain on target. “If you plan on volunteering, show up at the construction site at 8:30 a.m. sharp. Nick will take you through the paces.”

“Will you be here?”


“Are you here every day?”


“Do you often answer questions with one word?”


She tipped her head, those stunning eyes intent upon me. Suddenly, heading home for beers and pizza didn’t sound as appealing. I dug my boots deeper into the earth.

She swiped her tongue across her full bottom lip. “All right, tough guy. I’ll be here next week, volunteer ready, where you may or may not be, depending on if you do or do not decide to show up.”

Every word dripped with flirtatiousness, but I stayed quiet. The way I’d all but grunted at her so far, probably better to keep my mouth shut.

So we stood there—her waiting on me to speak, a skateboarder barreling down the road at our left. Me unsure why she was affecting me.

I missed being with a woman. Missed the slide of soft skin and wet mouths, and locking my girl in my arms for the night. But I’d sworn I’d do it right this time. Not rush in. Make sure I dated someone with depth and interests outside of making bank. Everything about this spitfire girl read narcissistic.

When our silence slipped into awkward, she fluttered her fingers in my face. “It’s been…interesting.”

I offered her a curt nod.

Chuckling to herself, she spun around, but her right heel wedged into the loose dirt. Those damn shoes were lethal. She sank an inch and teetered, but seemed to catch herself. Then her massive purse fell. The thick strap landed on her forearm, tipping the balance. She shot out her hand, struggling to stay upright.

I lunged for her, clasping her trim waist to hold her steady. And close. Too close. Not near enough for her to feel how I was thickening behind my zipper, but the air swelled. It dilated with feminine scents. Something sweet. Nice. 
She smelled like chocolate.

My hands spanned her waist from behind, her curves above and below all woman. Hour glass, like a modern-day Marilyn Monroe. Jean Harlow. Mae West. Over the years, I’d watched every classic movie there was, wishing I could slip to a time when men danced and women sang and loyalty and love were valued over getting ahead. An old soul, my nana always said. Or a romantic. Or just plain trouble.

Now I had my hands on a dangerous beauty.


Meet the Author:

Kelly is the author of CHASING CRAZY, MY PERFECT MISTAKE, A FINE MESS, and HOOKED ON TROUBLE, the latter three being part of her Over the Top series. A small-town girl at heart, she moved from the city to open a cheese shop with her husband in northern Ontario. When she’s not neck deep in cheese or out hiking, you can find her, notepad in hand, scribbling down one of the many plot bunnies bouncing around in her head. She’s also an incurable romantic, devouring romance novels into the wee hours of the morning.

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WWW Wednesday: January 31st 2018


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @Taking On A World Of Words, where you have to answer these questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


I’ll finish Stud by Kelly Siskind sometime tonight.


This week I finished Lucas by Jay McLean and The Failing Hours by Sara Ney.


Next I’ll read Wildcat by Max Monroe and Brooklynaire by Sarina Bowen.