Sleepy Hollow and Bones to crossover. Wait! What?!

sleepyhollow_bones_tvlineI woke up to this announcement by TVLine: Sleepy Hollow and Bones are planning a crossover for Spring.

WHAT THE HELL PEOPLE?! Is FOX that desperate?! From all the shows they could have picked, these 2 share nothing, those two universes are miles and miles away… I don’t get it, seriously, what are they thinking?

The only remote way this could work is if it’s somehow in a parallel universe of some kind, or a dream sequence, or if THE ACTORS from Sleepy play themselves in Bones… I don’t know, this seems like a mess already, a disaster waiting to happen. Get your head together FOX executives, please!

Sleepy Hollow gets a 3rd season

Uff, I truly think that Sleepy Hollow dodge a bullet here… I was starting to think that season 3 was not going to happen (that’s why I’m still to watch the last couple of episodes… I can’t deal when I don’t know the future of a show!). But luckily Fox felt that Sleepy deserved a 3rd year and I’m super happy about it!


The 3rd season will be comprised of 18 episodes and will have a new showrunner,  Clifton Campbell (The Glades).

This week on TV (like, Monday and Tuesday, 2-3 Feb)

The whole week was getting a bit big, so, here’s Monday and Tuesday’s shows:


Jane the Virgin (Chapter 12):


This week Jane and Rafael visited Luisa in the “nut house”; Rogelio was fired from his telenovela, Milos finally found Petra and we finally learned the identity of “Sin Rostro”.

I have to admit that I love Rafael and Jane together, I love how normal their relationship is. Jaime Camil’s Rogelio is just amazing, it’s impossible not to love him, he totally broke my heart while he was dealing with the loss of his job and the fact that his daughter finally called him “dad”. Petra and Milos working together was just amazing and the fact that Jane was actually her shoulder to cry on. Finally, did you see the identity of “Sin Rostro” come?! I totally thought it was Petra’s mom… I was so mistaken!!!

“You can’t have The Passions of Santos without Santos! Then it’s just Passions, and that show failed!”


Sleepy Hollow (Spellcaster):


A lot of witchcraft going on… So, Henry is alive and well and ran into some conscious problems, but not anymore… and what’s more, Frank is working with Henry and they’re planning something nasty!

I still don’t like Katrina, and now, with the white eyes and messed up things going on, she’ll definitely turn bad at some point.

Also, how’s Ichabod and Katrina’s marriage?! They’re living under the same roof, but are they even having sex?!


Castle (I, Witness):


Poor Castle had it rough this week. After an old school classmate asks for his help as a PI, determining if he’s having an affair, and ends up being a witness for a crime that did not happen… he really had a tough time.

As entertaining as it is this whole PI thing from Castle, when does he get back to the precinct?!


Broadchurch (Episode 5):


Wow, it still amazes me how they are keeping up the quality of this show. I still have no idea who the Sandbrook killer really is, I think Tom know more about Danny’s death than he has let on.

I’m so scared that Alec is not going to survive this season… he looked really bad this last episode.

Ellie Miller is my hero! “I’m gonna solve this!”, that’s the spirit girl!


Marvel’s Agent Carter (The Iron Ceiling):


Why aren’t more people watching this show? It’s amazing! This week we got the Howling Commandos back, Thompson finally saw Peggy’s worth, while Sousa started to connect the mysterious blond to Peggy Carter.

It was great to see “Dum Dum” Dugan again and to see how the Howling commandos treat Peggy, so differently from the people from her own squad. They respect and admire her, and view her as an equal sometime, and as a superior most of the times.

Dottie… oh man, Dottie… she’s a Black Widow right? Same type of training and everything… it’s scary!


Forever (Hitler on the Half-Shell):


I really enjoyed this episode, though how can they be somehow “pardoning” Adam, after the way he had just killed that guy in the container, is beyond me.


Supernatural (About a Boy):


Mini-Dean (Dylan Everett) was just the best, almost as good as real-Dean (Jensen Ackles), he nailed it … I mean: “My voice is weird and I’ve got like nine zits and I have zero control over this. I mean, it’s up, it’s down, it’s up for no reason!”… Hilarious!

I love that they got Mrs Patmore from Downton Abbey to play the Witch, she was marvelous!

And Dean (mini and big) liking Taylor Swift?! OMG, I laughed so hard at that!


The Flash (Crazy for You):


Caitlin and Barry coming to the conclusion that they have no personal life, going up for drinks and karaoke, and then Barry not only holding her hair while she throws up, but putting her on her pajamas, getting her to bed and staying with her until she fell asleep?! Cutest thing ever!

It’s great that they both decided to move on, but was it just me, or Caitlin was a tiny bit sad that Barry had a date with another girl? Speaking of Linda, how bad was that burn Iris?! Right? Is she going to realize now, that the guy is dating, that she might have had feelings for him all along?

The thing that surprised me the most was that fact that Cisco was kind of a badass… he’s got some moves.

I love that Barry’s dad figured it out that he’s The Flash, and managed to tell him how proud he is of him and for him to be careful, without actually telling him that he knows. Barry has the best dads!

This Week on TV (1-7Dec)


Sleepy Hollow: So, when they return, will Ichabod be riding a motorcycle?! Irving?! Come back Irving… Ichabod’s fight with Katrina was intense, he clearly still loves her, but they seriously need to work on that relationship…

Supernatural: I love Jody Mills. I think she became some sort of substitute for Bobby in the boys lives. So naturally I really enjoyed this episode, a follow-up of sorts in Jody’s life after she took in Alex. Pairing up Jody with Sheriff Donna Hanscum was a stroke of genius! I love their chemistry and I do hope that they make their way to another episode soon, and together. But can we vary the kind of monsters that Jody faces?

Forever: This week Forever tackled the issue of living a false life and finally addressed the problems that Henry faces when someone who saw him die sees him again. Is it cool that I was way more excited about Abe’s ex/future girlfriend than I should because of Fringe?!

Castle: Expendables, anyone?! Just saying… Castle was such a great fanboy in this episode 😀

Elementary: Is it OK that I’m liking Kitty way more than Watson and Sherlock (combined)?!

This week on TV


Sleepy Hollow: Is it OK not to like Katrina?

Castle: It was nice to see an Esposito episode, I have missed those.

Jane the Virgin: I’m pretty sure I’m team Rafael, Jane and Rafael just make the cutest couple. And also, Michael wasted no time at all to get the “waiting time” back…

2 Broke Girls: Is it just me or the writers are not very sure in which way to take the show? Last year it was the whole “pastry school” debacle and now Max doesn’t even has a name for her project?! HHHmmm… I’m pretty sure that if it wasn’t for Kat Dennings this wouldn’t even be worth it… Granted, Caroline is more tolerable this season.

Scorpion: Can Toby and Happy get together? Like, now?! I’m so happy that he was finally able to tell her how he feels.

State of Affairs: Why am I starting to think that the person sending those messages is Charlie’s former boyfriend?

The Flash: Eddie on pain meds is just hilarious, could we see more of him?! Pretty please? Also, was it just me or Caitlin and Barry shared some kind of moment (3 times)? Are they playing some kind of “Felicity” card here? Not that I mind, I would rather see him with Caitlin than with Iris anyway…

Supernatural: Am I the only one sad that Hannah is gone? I really liked her with Castiel and that kiss left room for a lot more (I’m not even going to talk about his face when she got naked in front of him…). Also, didn’t they just deliver the BEST WTF moment in a long long time with that final scene?!

Criminal Minds: So… Rossi has not only a daughter, but also a grandkid?! =D

2014/15-TVshows Week planning!

The season of 2014/15 TVshows is officially open! There are so many shows, that sometimes it’s hard to keep track when each one airs, so, here is how my week looks in terms of shows that I watch and intend to follow this season (some I still have to catch up, but I’ll get there)…


TV Shows premiere dates

September is almost gone, but I hadn’t had time yet to put my head in order in regards to the shows I’ll be following this season. But today, I finally got some time (and disposition). So here are the premiere dates of September for my favorite shows and the new ones that I’m planning to watch:


Can’t wait for Sleepy Hollow to come back! And Castle, and Brooklyn 9-9, SHIELD and TBBT. And here the October dates:


Can’t believe I have to wait for October 7 and 8 for Flash, Supernatural and Arrow. And Gracepoint, can’t wait for that!

Hooked on Sleepy Hollow!

More often than not, when a new 1 hour TV show premieres, I give it some time (sometimes the whole season) in order to see if it gets renewed – before I get attached to it and then it gets cancelled…


So… I waited until 3 days ago to watch Fox’s Sleepy Hollow, can you believe it?! I can’t… because now I’m hooked and I ran out of episodes – and I’m already considering a rewatch, because there’s no way I’m gonna be able to hold it till september 22nd … I think I’ll risk saying that it’s my favorite “new” drama – granted that it’s the only “new one” I’ve watched so far… but I’m quite confident about it!

Season 2 will have between 15 to 18 episodes, and from Abbie’s mom to a lot more “Henry”, with a twist in the fist bump, it’ll be marvelous! Additionally, John Noble (Henry, a.k.a, Ichabod’s baby, a.k.a. War) and Lyndie Greenwood (Jenny Mills) were promoted to series regulars, joining Tom Mison (Ichabod Crane), Nichole Beharie (Abbie Mills), Orlando Jones (Capt. Irving) and Katia Winters (Katrina Crane). I don’t have any expectations because they did a wonderful job so far, but I would like to see that spark between Jenny and Irving flash again.