Lucas (Jay McLean)

In a sprint, every millisecond counts.
When you’re waiting for love, those milliseconds can feel like eons.

High school senior Lucas Preston has it all: star of the track team, a scholarship waiting for him, an apartment to himself and a revolving door of girlfriends. He also has an older sister, five younger brothers and a father who relies on him to make sure those brothers don’t kill each other.

His saving grace? Lois “Laney” Sanders, a girl he started to fall in like with when he was just eleven.

A girl who became his best friend, his confidant, his courage.

It took only sixteen clicks and eight seconds for Lucas to realize that his like for Laney had turned into love.
Eight life-changing seconds.
It’s also the exact length of time it took to lose her.

Oh boy, I’m so glad I saw this giveaway/read and review on goodreads, and I was lucky enough to receive a review copy of this book. This was a book that I didn’t even knew existed, and now it’s within some of my faves and I need more of the writing, of the family, of the story. I need more. So yeah. I’m happy!

This was my first Jay McLean book, and I’m IN LOVE. The writing is fun and emotional at the same time. It’s the perfect blend and I loved loved loved it. The book is told in dual POV, between the present and the past, and tells us the story throughout the years about Lucas and Lois “Laney” relationship. I thought this was of storytelling was perfect, and the prologue just hooked me up right from the start.

I honestly loved Lucas and Laney, even if they frustrated me to no end at times. They both had a lot of growing up to do, and the character development was stellar. They both go through some awful stuff, together and apart, but they learn, and they become better people, and better for each other too.

My favorite theme of this book was FAMILY. All the Preston boys (and girl) have my heart, but this book also had two of the most amazing dad’s I ever read about: Brian and Tom are just great, and they guided and helped their children, spent time with them, provided the best way they could. They were so supportive. They both made me cry throughout the book, and I just love them both.

Overall, I loved this BFFs to lovers romance, it was beautiful and heartbreaking, and it made me sob like a baby at 3 am in the morning. So I highly recommend it. Amazing book. And I’ll for sure pick up the second book, and the first series too.

Go read it, if you haven’t already. It’s so worth it.

Psstttt…. I’m Co-Blogging Now…

Hey guys! So, I have a little piece of news for you, though if you follow me on twitter, you might already know. A couple of weeks ago an opportunity arose and I started collaborating on another blog.

I’m now co-blogging at:

I’m thrilled to be co-blogging with Nick and Lisa. It will be a process for me, getting used to not doing all on my own, but it gives me such a feeling of freedom too. Blogging while maintaining a full time job, and trying to finish my PhD is not easy, and I think this move will be good for me, especially for my drive to blog.

Obviously, I’ll keep blogging here, I have my weekly posts and my reviews, but somehow, even though now I’ll be blogging in two different places, I don’t feel that much pressure (if that makes any sense…).

I’ve written 2 posts Romances Ever After so far, you can check them out here:

Hello, I’m Cris

Why You Should Read The Ivy Years by Sarina Bowen

So, that’s my news for today. I hope you all step by Romances Ever After, and take a look at the amazing recommendations by Lisa and Nick too.

Bad for You (J. Daniels)


He didn’t want to be bad. He just didn’t have a choice…

Shayla Perkins isn’t the kind of girl who makes the same mistake twice, especially when it comes to Sean “Stitch” Molina. So when he gives her the world’s biggest rejection, that’s it — she’s done. Until the sexy, silent, unavailable Sean makes Shay a very personal offer. Of course, it still doesn’t mean he’s interested in her. Or does it?

Sean has done things in life. Bad things. And he’s paid the price. All he wants now is to make up for his past by doing good in the present. And no one deserves more good than Shay. Beautiful on the inside and out, Shay is the kind of woman who should be cared for and protected — especially from a man like Sean. He’s tried to keep his feelings for her in check, but a single, reckless impulse pulls them closer than ever before.

Soon the two are sharing their biggest dreams and satisfying their deepest desires. But what will happen if the only way to truly give one another want they want most . . . is to let each other go?

“The perfect mix of funny, hot and heartwarming. I enjoyed it immensely!”
— Mia Sheridan, New York Times bestselling author, on Four Letter Word



OMG people, this book was AWESOME!!!! I’ve read a few books by J. Daniels by now, including the two previous ones on this series, but this one was definitly my favorite. And that’s down to the characters, 100%!

If you haven’t yet read a book by J. Daniels, what are you waiting for? Her writing is amazing.

So, let’s talk about the characters. Shayla was such a unique character, I just wanted to wrap her in a tight hug and never let her go, because she was beyond awesome. She’s just so GOOD. She wants to be the best for everyone, and she puts everyone’s happiness in front of her own. She’s also hilarious and fierce. I love this girl to bits.

And Sean, oh boy… Sean had me sobbing during the prologue. And I wanted him to see his self worth so badly, but it was a journey, and I was so happy when he got there. He was such a good person, and he deserved so much more out of life.

All the yeses to Shay and Sean together, because they were perfection. They were supportive and understood each other, and did their best to be there whenever. They fit, and it was beautiful.

Glad about all the friendships on this book, especially the one between Shayla and Val. It’s not common to get a girl getting along with her guy’s ex, but it made the story that much better. Though I would have liked to see a bit more of the gang’s involvement.

Also, I hope Daniels is not sweeping a certain pairing’s romance under the rug, because I would be severely disappointed.

So, a fantastic read, by a fantastic author, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next installment.


About the Author:

J.Daniels is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Sweet Addiction series, the Alabama Summer series, and the Dirty Deeds series.

She would rather bake than cook, she listens to music entirely too loud, and loves writing stories her children will never read. Her husband and children are her greatest loves, with cupcakes coming in at a close second.

J grew up in Baltimore and resides in Maryland with her family.

Sign up to receive her newsletter and get special offers and exclusive release info:

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WWW Wednesday: January 24th 2018


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @Taking On A World Of Words, where you have to answer these questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


I’ve just started Lucas by Jay McLean.


This week I finished Bad for You by J. Daniels, which I loved, and I listened to The Studying Hours by Sara Ney.


Next I’ll read Stud by Kelly Siskind.

Ryan’s Bed (Tijan)

I crawled into Ryan Jensen’s bed that first night by accident.

I barely knew him. I thought it was his sister’s bed — her room. It took seconds to realize my error, and I should’ve left…

I didn’t.
I didn’t jump out.
I didn’t get embarrassed.
I relaxed.
And that night, in that moment, it was the only thing I craved.

I asked to stay. He let me, and I slept.

The truth? I never wanted to leave his bed. If I could’ve stayed forever, I would have.
He became my sanctuary.

Because — four hours earlier — my twin sister killed herself.

I’ve been meaning to read a Tijan book for ages, and I’m so glad I was approved to receive this ARC. I wasn’t 100% sure of what to expect, and I’ll admit that throughout half of the book I wasn’t convinced, and I wasn’t really sure I was enjoying what I was reading, but then things started to make sense and fall into place and I ended up really enjoying it.

I liked the writing, it was dark and moody and confusing, but again, it fit the story and the theme. I have to say though, that I wasn’t the biggest fan of Mackenzie. The girl was going through hell, but some of her actions and behaviour didn’t sit well with me. She did get better throughout the book, as her stability increased and she started to cope with her twin’s suicide. I was happy with the character growth and development.

But I did love most of the other characters, especially Ryan. He was such a good guy, he saw himself in Mac, and he did his best to help her through hell.

One thing I was a bit afraid of, and I glad it was so well done, was the romance itself. Mackenzie was in no mental position to fall heads over heels in love, but the romance was done slowly and with so much awareness of the situation. It moved fast, but slow at the same time, and the Mac and Ryan were so mature about their feelings and the situation. I loved that!

This story is mostly about finding yourself when you feel like you lost a big part of who you are. Finding the strength to ask for help and admit that you need help in the first place. Then it’s about friendship, family and love. And the ending of this book will make you jaw drop!

So yeah, go read this one. I highly recommend it. And I’ll see what other Tijan’s books I can get my hands on next.

Consolation Prize (Linda Kage)

Don’t you just hate it when someone destroys all your carefully made plans?

I mean, I had goals: college to graduate in one semester, a future I was working hard to reach, and an image of myself I wanted the world to see. My life was stacked into these precisely placed blocks. But then Colton Gamble came along and knocked them all askew.

I hated how he messed everything up, how he could hog all my attention whenever he was around, how he made my pulse quicken — but only because he ticked me off… not because I was attracted to him. Oh! And I hated how he knew how attractive he was too, the shallow, full of himself, doesn’t take no for an answer, too-flirty, too cocky, extremely irritating jerk.

The boy had all the qualities that turned me off. Or so I thought.

One night he wasn’t quite the brainless, over-confident jerk I usually took him for.

One night, he took care of me when I was at my lowest. He opened up to me and made me open up to him.

Now I’m learning maybe he’s not what I first thought he was. And maybe I’M not what I first thought I was. Maybe it’s okay to rearrange a couple of my perfectly set blocks. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll stop worrying about what I’m afraid everyone else will think and finally reach for something I really want. It’s possible some of my plans need to be destroyed, and Colton Gamble is exactly the kind of mess I need in my life.

What do you think? Should I give him a try?

Desperately seeking your advice,
Julianna Radcliffe

I will admit that I wasn’t expecting to love this book as much as I did. But here we go. The last book of the Forbidden Men series was another amazing one, and I cannot believe that this series is over. I need more. I need more of the whole gang!

This book is about the youngest Gamble brother, Colton, who we met when he was a small child, when his brother and sister in law took him in and raised him as their own. Colton is definitly a grown up now, and he’s such a smartmouth, so hilarious, and he has such a big heart. What a family. Julianna we met on the previous book, when she went on a date with Colton’s older brother, Brandt. I really liked Julianna, and I understood her struggle to always present a perfect image and project the best of herself. But I loved that Colton helped her be more relaxed and start doing things for herself and not anyone else.

Julianna is a black woman, and she’s older than Colton. The interracial aspect of their relationship plays a big part in the book, especially from Julianna’s side. But I was happy that their age different didn’t gather that much attention (even though they met while he was still a minor…).

I loved their banter though, they spurred each other on, and were always ready for a verbal fight. I loved their dynamic.

I’m sad to see this series end, because I fell for all the characters in this series. Family and friends played such an important role throughout all these books, and I really liked them all. I’m sorry to see it come to an end.

But it was a great ending, that’s for sure.

Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men #1) 
To Professor, with Love (Forbidden Men #2) 
Be My Hero (Forbidden Men #3)
With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men #4) 
A Perfect Ten (Forbidden Men #5) 
Worth It (Forbidden Men #6)
The Girl’s Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7) 
Priceless (Forbidden Men #8) 
Consolation Prize (Forbidden Men #9)

WWW Wednesday: January 17th 2018


WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @Taking On A World Of Words, where you have to answer these questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?


I just finished a book, I’ll probably start one later on today.


This week I finished Hot Shot by Karina Halle, My Enemy Next Door by Nicole London, Hit The Spot by J. Daniels and Ryan’s Bed by Tijan.


Next I’ll read: Bad for You by J. Daniels, which I’ll start sometime today, Stud by Kelly Siskind and The Upside of Being Single by Emma Hart.