Top Ten Tuesday: 8 Bloggers Whose Opinion I Trust

top 10 tuesday

Hello, welcome back to another Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is:

Ten Bookish People You Should Follow On Twitter / Instagram / Youtube / Snapchat / Facebook – you pick the platform of your choice to talk about all the interesting bookish people to follow!  If you don’t use social media much you can pick your favorite bookish blogs or new blogs you’ve come across to follow.

I have to be honest, though I’m always with my social media on, I don’t really have that lot of recommendations on either of the platforms. Given that I think that this week’s theme is to spotlight other bloggers or bookish people in general, I decided to share with you 8 fellow bloggers whose opinion I trust, as in, if we read the same book, we’ll most likely feel the same way about it.

 1. Cátia @The Girl Who Read Too Much

Cátia is a fellow portuguese blogger, and someone I talk to EVERYDAY! Yep, we talk all the time, and lately we’ve been reading the same books and doing tons of buddy reads. I trust her opinion and her recommendations because we always feel the same way about the books we read, and about the events on it.

I think the only thing we do not agree on is on Football teams and the whole Will/Jem thing.

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2. Kat @Life and Other Disasters


Me and Kat have been following each other for years now… TIME FLIES!  We talk everything, from books, to shows, to music, to everyday stuff. Just like Cátia, I talk to Kat every single day too :).

Some of the first books I read here my blog, was because she recommended them to me, and they never fail. Whether she’s recommending me a book, show, movie, I know I’ll enjoy it.

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3. Sara @Freadom Library

In a more recent discovery, Sara and I share the same taste for a lot of books 🙂 , so whenever she recommends something, I listen!

We’re also about to have our first buddy read with Kat, that should be fun!

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4. Deanna @A Novel Glimpse


Deanna has recommended me some of the best New Adult books I’ve read, so I’m quick to read all her reviews, previews, blitz and so on, because I know that I’ll probably like those same books.

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5. Ari @The Daydreaming Bookworm

Through my recent-ish discovered love for the New Adult genre, I noticed that Ari has read a lot of the same books as me, and I just know that I can fangirl with her over our recent reads – and it’s awesome!

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6. Regina @The Bibliotheque 

Just like the ladies above, I know I can trust Regina’s reviews, they usually align pretty well with my likes and dislikes as well.

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7. Josie @Josie’s Book Corner


Although I haven’t been in the mood for Fantasy lately, Josie is the person to go to for Fantasy recommendations. She “made me” read Angelfall, after all, and I freakin’ loved it so much! So I always listen when she talks about a book she really likes, even when I’m not in the mood for the genre at the time.

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8. Joey @Thoughts and Afterthoughts

On a slight different note, Joey and I don’t have that many books in common, and he is, in my opinion, a tough reviewer. For this reason, whenever he reviews a book that I’m interested in, and says positive things about it, it makes me that much certain about reading it.

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32 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: 8 Bloggers Whose Opinion I Trust

  1. anovelglimpse says:

    Ah, thank you so much for including me! That was so sweet of you! I’ll try to keep up with the great NA books! I always read your reviews, too! I’ve found so many great books!

  2. readersandmore says:

    I love this topic because you can really see who the most loved bloggers are. Just kidding 😉 I really do love this job though! 2 bloggers you have are also on my list 😀

  3. thebibliotheque says:

    Oh my thank you Cristina ❤ It makes me very happy to know I'm in your list of trusted bloggers!

    Made my day, that's for sure. And of course, you would have been in my top 10 as well 😀


  4. Kat Impossible says:

    I don't even have proper words at this time of the day anymore. THANK YOU! I trust your opinion as well, even if it often takes me longer to read stuff hahahaha I am so glad to have you in my life though! It wouldn't be the same without you there!

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