Wandering About: London (2013)

wandering about

Back in 2013 I want to London for a week. In a stroke of luck, I was able to string a conference and the Doctor Who 50th anniversary in a single week. It was pretty cool how that worked out. For my first 2 days in London I attended a conference celebrating the 30th anniversary of my field of research, and I loved it, because being that kind of celebration, we had really big wigs in there :D.


If you were following me back in 2013 – a.k.a, the first year of my blog – you might know that I actually posted everyday about the trip. You can check it out here:

So today, I’m just posting my favorite pictures of this trip :), but check out the links above for a blow by blow of the trip.

If you don’t know by now, London is my favorite place on Earth. Yeah, it’s cold and wet and grey and I love it. I never feel more at home as I do when I’m wandering through London. I’ve been there a few times since I was 11 yo, and it’s always amazing and I always miss it.

I also went for the first time to the Harry Potter Studio Tour, and I loved it. I’ve been there since, but the place is totally worth it, it’s truly magical.

And finally I went to the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary, and that was totally bonkers. I never went to a con or anything like that, so this was different. I watched the 50th Anniversary Special Episode there, and wow, that was definitly something!


11 thoughts on “Wandering About: London (2013)

  1. Kat Impossible says:

    OMG! You know how jealous I am of the 50th anniversary thing. THat is Whovian heaven! BUT I watched it with a ton of people dressed up as the Doctor (whichever regeneration) in a cinema in Vienna and that was kind of fun too.

  2. Ashley says:

    Your London trip looks so amazing and fun! So jealous of the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary! I bet that was so amazing. I’ve always wanted to go to London! Great pictures too! 😀

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