Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers, Awesome Colors and Hair Dye


Hello, welcome back to another Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is:

Cover Theme Freebie: literally anyyyything about covers….top ten covers that scream Spring, ten books with ice cream on the cover, ten books with blue covers, etc. etc. THIS ONE COULD BE REALLY FUN and I can’t wait to see how creative your lists are!

So… My mind has been kind of set on experimenting with hair colors. I never dyed my hair before, but last month I decolored some of it and dyed it turquoise :D, and it’s still green-ish, and I love it. I want to lighten it even more and put some bold colors on it. So I thought, why not make it my TTT theme this week? Eheh, here we go then, Ten Book Covers Colors I Would Totally Dye My Hair With.

40 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers, Awesome Colors and Hair Dye

  1. Holly says:

    I LOVE THIS. What an awesome idea for a TTT list!! My faves are the colors of Queens of Geek, Fangirl, and A Thousand Pieces of You ❤

      • elliempatten says:

        I used to have a pretty chunky electric blue stripe in my hair a few years ago. Even when it started to fade, it became a pale blue, and then an almost turquoise colour! Do you think if you dye your hair again, you’ll go with one of the colours in the post? I love the ‘Ignite Me’ blue.

        • My Tiny Obsessions says:

          i need to bleach my hair completely to be able to actually do any of those colors probably. I love the ignite me color too, and that’s the one I tried, but now i think i’m going for pink

          • elliempatten says:

            Ooh pink sounds nice! My hair’s relatively fair, so it was pretty easy for me (though it did mean my hair had a green tinge for a few months while the last remnants grew out!). Hair colours are just so fun!

  2. Diana Prince Reviews says:

    Oh my god, SWOON. These are AMAZING, you seriously thought of the most aesthetically gorgeous theme I could ever dream of seeing. I’ve had my hair the same color as Isla’s cover, but the Queens of Geek one is calling to my soul. Spectacular list as always, friend!

  3. bookishinbed says:

    Okay this is legit the best top ten Tuesday I’ve seen so far. I am legit obsessed with this right now. I love bright hair colors and I’m always wanting to dye my hair but I’m always too nervous to dye it. I am always saving random pictures of people’s hair on my phone cause I hope one day ill decided to dye my hair one of those colors. I really love how creative you got with the tag. Seriously this is amazing.

      • bookishinbed says:

        I’m always nervous about doing stuff to my hair so I always leave it to either my friends or professionals. It sucks because I know getting your hair dyed crazy colors cost a lot because it’s such a process. So that’s another reason why I’m like worried about doing it because I don’t wanna spend a lot and hate it.
        If you do end up bleaching your hair and adding some crazy colors, do take a picture. I would love to see the outcome!

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