3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge (2): Day 3

Welcome back for the 3rd (and last) day of my second 3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge (worry not, I still have one nomination to get through, probably next week). Thanks again to THE BIBLIOTHÈQUE for tagging me to do this again! (Thank you so much THE BIBLIOTHÈQUE!!!).


Here are the three days of my first Challenge: day 1, day 2 and day 3. And here is the quote from day 1 and day 2 of this go!

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day).
  3. Nominate three new bloggers each day.

Today’s quote is from a new favorite of mine, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. I apologize before hand because the quote is a little smutty, and if you can locate in the book, you know that the whole scene is super hot and steamy.


But I love this moment, I think it’s the moment I knew that Tamlin is truly dreamy, because even though she clearly wanted more, he wasn’t himself and he still had enough control and respect for her to not push the line (that again, she wouldn’t have mind pushed). Oh Feyre, you’re a lucky girl!

Instead of nominating people today – you should definitely do this challenge if you wish, because it’s amaze-balls! – I will give you another quote and Amarantha’s riddle, from the same book. Can you solve it? Drop the answers in the comments – and if you know because you read the book already, not fair 😛 !!!



22 thoughts on “3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge (2): Day 3

  1. Josephine says:

    I love love LOVE ACOTAR! And the scene from which you got your quote was probably ly the scene I began to completely swoon over Tamlin. It was all so steamy!
    And the riddle, of course I know it now… 😉 but I remember reading it as I was reading the book and I remember getting the answer within a heartbeat! I kept yelling it out as I was reading, hoping Feyre could hear me through the pages. xoxo 😄

    • MyTinyObsessions says:

      LOL, I did that too! because some of the sentences have expressions used about love, so I kind of assumed it… but come on, the girls doesn’t read, words are hard for her.

      Also, I began swooning for Tamlin here too, so hot!

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