December Book Challenge: Day 17


This challenge was created by @AnnReads for Bookstagram, see day 17…



Day 1:  First Read of the Year
Day 2: Shortest Book You Read
Day 3: New Favorite Authors
Day 4: Biggest Surprise
Day 5: Favorite Books Covers of 2016
Day 6: Newest Fictional Crush
Day 7: Best Sequel I Read
Day 8: New Fav Female Characters
Day 9: Diverse Books
Day 10: Books You Didn’t Finish
Day 11: Best Character Development
Day 12: New Favorite Friendships
Day 13: Books That Deserve More Attention
Day 14: Best Villain
Day 15: Favorite Fictional World
Day 16: Books You Reread

Dashing Through the Snow Book Tag (2016 edition)


Hey people! I don’t know if I’m just missing them, but where are all the Christmas’ Book Tags this year?

Oh well… So, I decided to revisit the ones I did last year, because I need to get into the Christmas cheer, and is there a better way to do it? So, if you want to check out my post from last year go here, and let’s do this 2016 edition now :).

1. Name a book you would like to see under the Christmas tree.

For some reason, and the reason is Hamilton, I’m really curious to read Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow, the book that inspired the musical. So I would love to get it, though I know I won’t.

2. Name a book you’ll be reading during the Christmas season.


I’m probably gonna read The Girl Who Fell by Shannon M. Parker around the Christmas time, and maybe Blonde Date (The Ivy Years #2.5) by Sarina Bowen because it’s set during the holidays?!

3. Name your favorite Christmas movie.

It’s still Love Actually… 😀

4. Do you like snow?

(the part where I keep last year’s answer just like it was…)

“Ok, I LOVE THE SNOW!!! But I might be fantasizing a bit about it, because it never really snows in Lisbon (or Barcelona for that matter), so I don’t actually know how it is to live with snow. I would like to know though, because I love the cold, and snow reminds me of peace somehow…”

5. Name a character you would like to spend your Christmas day with.

I’m gonna cheat here… I would like to spend it with Jamie and Wes and all the Cannings, because they’re awesome. Or the Shipley’s… I would so be ok with that too :D.

6. To give or receive.

This year? Neither?! I need to find my holiday mood soon, because at the moment I’m just like “has an whole year seriously gone by? How? Where? HOW?!“.

7. What fictional place would you like to spend Christmas at?

Ohhhh, Velaris at the Night Court (A Court of Mist and Fury)… how beautiful would it be?!

8. Fondest Christmas memory?

(again… keeping last year’s answer…)

“I have a pretty big family from my dad’s side, and when we were little, my cousins (mostly the same age as me), would snick out into the living room, and we always had chocolate Santas on the tree, so they would unwrap it, eat the chocolates and leave the wrapping in the tree (pretending they still had something inside). Still funny ’till this day.”

9. Can you say Christmas tree ten times fast in a row (pronouncing it correctly)?

Yeah… not trying this again this year! LOL.

I Tag

I’m gonna take this opportunity to tag some of my most recent followers, and to spread some holiday cheer around.

Don’t feel obligated to do this tag, ok? And if you decide to do it, have fun with it.