Story of a Kiss Anthology


There will be a thousand kisses in a lifetime but only a handful trapped forever in your heart. This Valentine’s day, join The Story of a Kiss anthology as we take you into the lives of thirteen couples. From a very first kiss of a high-school prom queen, to a kiss that travels the width of time. Kisses of redemption, heartache, discovery, and so much more. 

Thirteen authors. 

Thirteen kisses you’ll never forget.

I really liked this Anthology :). Most of the stories were pretty good, some of my favorites were Maybe Now by Kelly Lincoln, Crazy Beautiful Kiss by Kathryn L. James, At Long Last by Leslie Kung and Missed Kisses by Kate Dehart – funny how most of these stories are about best friends falling in love. 

There were a few that I’ll be keeping my eyes open for possible future novels, because the characters needed more space :).

Unfortunately there were 3 stories I really didn’t like, and that made the rating go down a bit. Below you can read the synopsis and my thoughts on each of the 13 stories.

Never Regret by Taylor Sullivan

At twenty-four, Margaret Andrews is still a virgin and sick of it. After a year on the top dating site in America, and a late night episode of HUNG on HBO, she’s decided to take matters into her own hands and hires a professional.

Ok, this overall story was kind of weird and not the best one to start this anthology (in my opinion). I found the dialogue a bit cringe worthy and the main character was way too childish.

Maybe now by Kelly Lincoln

Maybe now I should kiss her.
The thought haunts fourteen-year-old Hunter whenever he is with his best friend, Ava. The second he makes his move, their moment is destroyed and Ava leaves town. Ten years later, she’s back, and so is the maybe now that Hunter thought was buried.

OMG, this is the cutest little story ever! I could read a whole book of Hunter thinking about Ava. I felt like her character wasn’t very well developed, but his made up for it. This boy is dreamy. I love how Twilight was such a huge part of the story :D. I love male POVs in romances…

Fighting Faith by Brandy Ayers

At nineteen, Faith spent one perfect, passion-filled summer in San Sebastian. But just when she thought she might have her happy ending, Jasper, the love of her life, shattered her heart. Now, ten years later, they’re forced together once more. Can she hold onto the last few remaining pieces of her heart?

This was a nice one, nothing special, but with some potential. It ended way too fast though, even if the ending was kind of open.

Crazy Beautiful Kiss by Kathryn L. James

Two years after Calista DeLuca and Colin Williams shared a sizzling kiss…the one she couldn’t forget and the one he didn’t remember, their paths cross again. Secrets unfold. Tears fall. Hearts open. He’s the only one who can fade her pain into non-existence, but is it enough?

I sure hope these two will get their own novel, because this short story was by no means enough for the heaviness and potential of the subjects. I want more. Calista and Colin were super cute and good together.

Missed Kisses by Kate DeHart

Struggling with the recent death of her mother, Jess finds solace in her best friend Ben. Everything about them says they shouldn’t click. He’s the trendy guy with the damaged family; she’s the bookish introvert with a lonely heart. Years of sweet memories cause their feelings to grow, until he does the one thing that could tear them apart.

I honestly wanted to read more about these two. I liked how we got a small glimpse into their friendship while growing up… I could definitly use some more.

Can’t Let Go by Louisa Blackwood

Josephine “Joe” Burke has been running from the past since the night her mother died, choosing solitude over dreams. She’s suddenly forced to return to her Tennessee hometown and to her old flame, Colton James. Joe can feel her defenses crumbling under his irritating charm, but with the past still haunting her future, can she open her heart to happiness again?

I’m glad this one will a full length novel, because there was too much there, too much potential, in this very short story. I want to see more of Joe and Colton, for sure!

Forbidden Kisses by Sha Renée 

Layla is enlisted in the Navy. Ethan is an officer. According to rules, personal relationships between officers and enlisted personnel are prohibited, but their desire is so strong, they can’t stand to be apart. Can military regulations separate lovers who are destined to be together?

This was a sweet story with a few weird (yet somewhat hot) moments. I think this plot would have worked better in a full length novel, it was just too much for a short story.

Wrong time by Emma Marie Leigh 

Jo Stevens is an archaeology graduate student on the opportunity of a lifetime- an excavation in Pompeii. When her group discovers a basement, everything Jo knows is rocked. Rules are broken. Lines are crossed. Jo unearths everything she’s ever wanted. She’s just in the wrong time.

Ok, no! I was kind of into the story about the archaeology stuff, but then it turned utterly weird. I’m not a big fan of paranormal stuff, so this didn’t work for me… at all!

At Long Last by Leslie Kung 

Janny and Tom grew up together, but right before their friendship could turn into a budding romance, life and gravity pulled them apart. When the friends reconnected, their chemistry was undeniable – but tragedy put distance between them again. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to finally fall in love.

Oh yes! This one I liked a lot, too bad it wasn’t a full novel, because the plot could totally work. I found Tom and Janny adorable, right since they were toddlers :). I would say that it wasn’t that they needed a lifetime to fall in love, they needed a lifetime to come together.

Left Swipe Chronicles by Jody Pardo 

Roommates Liz and Michelle venture into the world of online dating. After a series of bad first dates, how many swipes will it take to find her Man of Steel?

This one was just funny :D.

Love in Photographs by Jaye Cox

When her heart remembers but her head doesn’t, will one photograph change everything? Claire didn’t need her memories when everything within her knew she loved him.

This story was kind of sweet, though the ending was too open. I never got around to fully understand why the 2 best friends were mad at each other.

Ever Be by Polly J. Brown

Evangeline’s life revolved around the water until she nearly drowned. Now, she’s returned to the beach to confront her fears, and Gregory Owen, the super-bro who saved her life. Greg wants to help, but can she trust his intentions? Or worse, her own?

This was such a sweet story and it left me wanting for more. I really loved how Greg helped Evangeline to start to overcome her fears. Well done.

Precious by Cherry Shephard

18 year old Precious Montgomery is a nobody, she’s never even had her first kiss . . . but that’s about to change. When her best friend nominates her for prom queen, Precious has just one week to make over her image and beat the queen bee – Amber Delancey. Amber has everything Precious doesn’t: Confidence, sophistication and popularity. But a chance meeting with Amber’s boyfriend changes everything. Now, Precious has to decide what’s more important; what she’s always wanted . . . or what she’s always had. Can a crown . . . or a kiss, really dictate your self-worth?

Oh, hell no! This was my reaction while reading this story, just no! The clichés are all there and none of the characters is likable, the main character is weak, the guy is weird, no, it just didn’t work for me at all.

26 thoughts on “Story of a Kiss Anthology

  1. Cátia says:

    I haven’t finish it yet but I already know that my favorites are the same as you. I really liked that 4 stories 🙂 . I agree with everything you said until story 9. You’re right about everything 😀

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